Recent Fire Damage Posts

Steps of Fire Cleaning

5/29/2024 (Permalink)

Fire cleaning, also known as fire damage restoration or fire cleanup, refers to the process of cleaning and restoring a property that has been damaged by fire. It involves several steps to remove soot, smoke residue, and odors, as well as to repair or replace damaged materials and belongings. Here's an overview of the fire cleaning process:

1. **Assessment:** The first step is to assess the extent of the fire damage and determine the best course of action for cleaning and restoration. This may involve inspecting the property, documenting the damage, and developing a plan for cleanup and restoration.

2. **Safety Precautions:** Before beginning the cleanup process, it's important to ensure that the property is safe to enter. This may involve addressing any structural damage, securing the site, and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against hazards such as smoke, soot, and contaminants.

3. **Soot and Smoke Removal:** Soot and smoke residue can cover surfaces throughout the property, including walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture. Cleaning up soot and smoke residue typically involves using specialized cleaning products and techniques to remove the residue without causing further damage to surfaces.

4. **Odor Removal:** Smoke odors can linger long after the fire has been extinguished. Odor removal techniques may include using air scrubbers, ozone generators, thermal fogging, or other deodorization methods to neutralize and eliminate smoke odors from the property.

5. **Cleaning and Restoration:** Once soot, smoke residue, and odors have been addressed, the next step is to clean and restore the property to its pre-fire condition as much as possible. This may involve repairing or replacing damaged materials, such as drywall, flooring, and insulation, and cleaning and restoring salvageable belongings.

6. **Final Inspection:** After the cleaning and restoration process is complete, a final inspection is typically conducted to ensure that the property has been properly cleaned and restored. This may involve verifying that all smoke odors have been eliminated, surfaces have been cleaned, and repairs have been completed to industry standards.

Fire cleaning is a complex and specialized process that requires the expertise of trained professionals. Hiring a reputable fire damage restoration company can help ensure that the cleanup and restoration process is completed safely and effectively, helping to minimize further damage and restore the property to its pre-fire condition as quickly as possible.

Tips for Staying Cozy the Safe Way | SERVPRO of Sumter

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Sumter this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

The winter season is well underway for the Sumter community! While we are grateful to avoid the harshest parts of winter like heavy snow and subzero conditions, we are still vulnerable to freezing temperatures and ice storms from time to time.

Because of that, we are all prone to spend much more time indoors and near our fireplaces or space heaters while we wait for the seasons to change. Unfortunately, the number of house fires increases during the winter season just because of this!

Our SERVPRO of Sumter team explains more about how to stay safe while also staying warm this winter below, so read on to learn a few helpful tips.

Fireplace Prep for the Season

An occasional crackling fire in your hearth can provide some great ambiance and warmth, but indoor fires can be really dangerous if your space isn’t properly maintained. You should be cleaning out leftover ash before starting each new fire, and every season should include a thorough scrubbing of your chimney walls to remove creosote buildup.

Minimize or eliminate flammable materials from your mantle and around your fireplace, and check your smoke detectors every month to make sure they are working properly. If you have an electric or gas fireplace, check on the connections often to make sure you aren’t experiencing any gas leaks or faulty wiring issues.

Space Heater Tips

While we may not need the excess warmth that fireplaces bring all of the time, a simple space heater may be the key to warm up cold feet or to bring a burst of warmth to a chilly room. However, they can also be dangerous in their own right. In fact, 1,700 house fires are started every single year from space heater accidents or mishaps.

The key to avoiding space heater fires is to set up your appliance on a hard, nonflammable surface. Since they can be easily tipped over, choose a location that doesn’t experience much foot traffic and be sure the cord is lying flat on the ground.

Create a three-foot barrier around your heater to help keep out kids and pets, and make sure it is far away from hanging curtains or other flammable possessions. Never plug a space heater into an outlet extender or extension cord, and be sure someone is responsible for turning off the heater before your household goes to bed.

Additional Safety Measures

It is important to remember that safety is always your No.1 priority when it comes to fire or heat in your household. That’s why it is necessary to do your research before investing in a space heater or fireplace supplies.

Be sure the company you use is reputable and has passed all of their necessary safety certifications, and read reviews (even the bad ones, if there are any)! Consider the heaters that have additional safety measures like emergency shutoff switches that turn off the heater after a certain period of time.

Finally, you should do a visual inspection of the heater you are choosing. It should be sturdy, well-made and have a long cord so you can easily set it up in the center of a room.

Have a safe and enjoyable winter season! If you suffer from any sort of fire damage this winter, call SERVPRO of Sumter for a fast recovery. We will remove soot, smoke and debris with precision and rebuild your home with confidence.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Prep for the Holiday Season With Fire Safety in Mind | SERVPRO of Sumter

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Sumter on the case!

The holidays are right around the corner, and we certainly hope you are gearing up for another season surrounded by your very best friends and loving family. No matter what holidays you celebrate with your family, you are bound to be making some sort of delicious homemade food.

Whether you are in charge of bringing your famous pumpkin pie or you are hosting the entire dinner yourself, practicing safe food strategies is key to avoiding dangerous house fires.

The number of house fires increases during the holiday season, especially those that start in the kitchen. Taking these preventive steps while you are whipping up your food can greatly reduce your risk of starting a fire that would certainly derail your holiday festivities.

Controlling Flammable Materials in the Kitchen

Before you even light your stove or preheat your oven, preparing your space should always take priority. Since so many fires start in the kitchen, having a clean and safe work space from the start can reduce your risk.

Remove as many flammable items as possible from around your appliances. Pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils and holiday decorations can easily catch on fire if too close to an open flame or heat.

In addition, you need to be cautious about your outfit choice when you are cooking. Cute holiday accessories or decorative aprons may add a nice touch to your holiday season, but loose strings or clothing can also catch on fire and lead to catastrophe. Roll up your sleeves and choose your wardrobe wisely.

Keep a Watchful Eye on Food

Do not leave the kitchen if you are actively cooking or if you have something in the oven. This is incredibly important if you want to avoid a kitchen fire. It doesn’t matter if you are grilling, boiling, baking or frying, a fire can start in an instant and lead to your entire kitchen going up in flames by the time you return.

You also need to take extra precautions if your holiday festivities include deep-frying a turkey this year. Do not add too much oil to the fryer and be sure to set it up on a level, non-flammable surface.

Check the size of your turkey and set it out to thaw days before you need it, as your turkey should be completely thawed before being lowered into the pot.

Check on Your Protective Measures

We all know that accidents happen and fires aren’t completely preventable, but making sure your protective measures are in place can also reduce your risk of serious fire damage. Smoke alarms are crucial for every level of your home, and you should have at least one in your kitchen. Check the batteries often to ensure they are working properly.

You also should have a fire extinguisher close by. Move your fire extinguisher to the kitchen or purchase one that will stay there always. You should also keep a lid or another pan nearby while you are cooking to help you quickly extinguish any grease fires that pop up unexpectedly.

Be safe this holiday season and enjoy all of this wonderful time with friends and family. Remember, if your home does suffer any sort of fire damage, our team can help you clean up and rebuild your home right away so you don’t miss out on the festivities of the season.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

Enjoying BBQ Season Without Starting a Fire | SERVPRO of Sumter

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Sumter to get your space back in shape.

We are in the middle of a classic Sumter summer right now, and we are so grateful for it! We thoroughly enjoy the extra time spent outside with family and friends, laughing around the bonfire and grilling up our favorite hotdogs and burgers. If you’re a self-appointed grillmaster as well, you need to make sure your equipment is safe and ready to use.

Improper use of a grill can quickly lead to dangerous fire conditions that can impact your property and your home. SERVPRO of Sumter’s fire damage restoration team wants you to enjoy your BBQs without the risk of fire, so check out our latest blog to learn more.

Creating the Perfect Grilling Environment

This first rule might be obvious, but your grill needs to be set up outside. In addition to keeping it out of your house, it also needs to be far away from your garage or even any overhangs on your roof. If your grill can’t vent properly, it becomes a danger to you and your guests. The heat from the flames can also start a fire if there is anything combustible above the grill.

Not only should it be set up outside, it needs to be far away from your siding and deck railing. Aim for at least a 10 foot barrier from anything flammable, and keep kids and pets out of this area as well. A concrete pad or a level driveway are good spaces for this.

Once you are all set up, it’s time for the inspection. If you own a charcoal grill, check the drum for dents or cracks and be sure the vent cover slides easily. Remove any ash buildup at this time as well. If you have a propane grill, check the gas lines and connections to be sure they are secure. A single small leak could eventually turn into a big problem that can actually become a danger to your entire party.

When the Grill Is Hot

Once your grill is ready and the food is on, be a responsible grillmaster and stay close by. You should also have a reliable way of quickly extinguishing the flames, whether it be your water hose or a fire extinguisher at the ready.

Knock down any sparks or wandering flames with a spray bottle, and keep a close eye on your food. Once it’s time to eat, hand off the food so you can start shutting everything down. Close the vents and scatter the coals or turn off the burners and close the propane tank. Before you head in for the night, check on your grill one more time to make sure it is cold to the touch and everything is either off or extinguished.

We love summer in the Sumter community, and we hope you do, too! If you do wind up suffering home damage due to a grill fire, SERVPRO of Sumter is here to help with your entire restoration process.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Sumter for a fast restoration.

The Dos and Don’ts of Starting an Outdoor Fire | SERVPRO of Sumter

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Sumter has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

There is a lot to be excited for at this time of year! The fall season brings football Sundays, pumpkin spice and the eventual cooldown as the cooler months approach. It also becomes a little more tolerable to be outside since the summer heat isn’t as intense.

Bonfires at this time of year can be relaxing and even a bit cozier when the temperatures start to drop, but that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down when it comes to fire safety.

Our SERVPRO® team explains below some responsible ways to start and maintain your outdoor fires so you can enjoy the crackling flames and s’mores without worry of starting an out-of-control blaze.

Tips for Starting the Fire

Do choose a safe location for your fire. Most permanent bonfire pits are already in the ground, but be sure it is far away from any outbuildings, sheds or flammable objects. Keep your log and brush pile a safe distance away.

Do have a water source close by before you even light the fire. A bucket filled with water or a hose that is turned on and ready to use are both good options. If you don’t have a water source readily available, have a shovel ready to use that you can pile dirt or sand on top of the embers.

Do keep an eye on the forecast and any burn bans. Windy days or days that are less ideal for outdoor fires can make it more dangerous to have even a small fire going. Keep in mind that burn bans can change by the day, so checking with local authorities or on your city or county website is always encouraged.

Tips for While the Fire Is Hot

Don’t use any sort of accelerant to get your flames going. Aerosol cans, lighter fluid and gas can all start on fire quickly, but they are unpredictable and have different flash points.

Don’t let kids play around or near the flames. Accidents can occur in seconds and result in serious injury or a dangerous situation.

Don’t make your fire too big. It can get easy to get carried away with adding brush and logs to your fire, but things can get out of hand pretty quickly. All it takes is for a wandering flame or spark to reach a nearby bush or log pile for it to catch and spread.

Don’t go inside until your fire is completely extinguished. Pour your water over the flames until the logs are cold to the touch and all of the embers are extinguished.

Wildfire Prevention

Remember, most wildfires are started by humans. Do your part whenever you are outside to keep your fires small and never leave them unattended.

If your home or property is ever damaged by a fire, SERVPRO is here to help. Call us right away for fast and efficient restoration.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Teaching Fire Safety in a Child-Friendly Way | SERVPRO® of Sumter

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Young boy staring at a lit match being held between his fingers SERVPRO of Sumter is here for you and your family if you experience a fire in your home or business.

Teaching fire safety to everyone in your home is vital to your family’s safety during an emergency. While it can seem overwhelming thinking about how to explain a house fire to a small child, there are things you can do to make this process a little less scary for everyone involved.

Our SERVPRO of Sumter team explains how to start teaching the fire safety basics for every member of your family below, so read on to learn more and get some great ideas.

How to Explain Fire

It can be hard to explain the concept of fire to a small child. While little ones can see the flame and understand what it is, the idea of cause and effect is bit harder to master. Start by walking around to each space in your home that produces fire, like your bonfire pit, stove or even the candles around your house. Discuss how a fire starts in each one and what would happen if the fire spread.

This is also an important time to introduce the idea of match and lighter safety. A single match or lighter in the hands of a curious child can lead to an incredibly dangerous and potentially devastating situation.

Ensure that your child knows that these items are never to be played with and should always be given to a responsible adult.

Trusting Authority

Many kids want to grow up to become firefighters and police officers, but many of these same children often become shy around authority figures. When firefighters or police officers are in uniform, they are usually equipped with heavy equipment and sometimes even masks that shield their face from view. That can be scary for kids!

Expose your kids to pictures, books and videos about firefighters, and take them down to our local fire station during open house days so they can meet a firefighter in real life. This connection can help them react quicker in a real house fire when a firefighter is there trying to help them escape from their rooms.

Forming Your Escape Plan

Does your family have an emergency exit plan? If you don’t, now is the time to create one. Have your children lead the way for this and challenge them to find all exits for each room in your home, and have a contest to see who can get out of the house the fastest. Write down all of this information into a diagram together when you are done.

Don’t let your children overlook the windows in your home, either. While it is our responsibility to keep our little ones safe and away from high level windows, they can be crucial in a true emergency situation. Teach your children how to open your windows, but ensure that they understand that they are only to be used in a serious fire emergency.

Finally, designate some place outside as your meeting location and then put it all together into one final practice. Do this a couple of times a year, and act it out as a family so everyone knows their role and what to do.

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

The Most Common Reasons for House Fires | SERVPRO® of Sumter

5/18/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”fire” alt = " residential home with roof caught on fire ” > Have you experience a fire in your home? Call SERVPRO of Sumter to help get your residence back to normal.

If you are a homeowner, chances are you have thought about what you would do if faced with a house fire at least once. It is a scary situation that can not only completely destroy your home, it can even be a dangerous or deadly event.

The good news is that the majority of house fires can actually be prevented with a little time and attention to detail around your home. We explain some of the most common places and reasons that house fires break out below so you can take steps to reduce your risk today.

The Power of Electronics

We are surrounded by technology in today’s day and age, so it’s no surprise that many house fires are caused by overheated electronics or by a power surge. Try to get into the habit of unplugging your computers and gaming systems when they are not in use.

If you have a room in your home that has a lot of electrical outlets and those outlets are loaded with cords, it’s time to get a surge protector. A power surge can not only damage your electronics beyond repair, it can also cause them to overheat or spark a fire. 

Electrical fires can get really hot, really fast, so it is important to prioritize these steps when attempting to reduce your house fire risk. 

The Risks in Your Kitchen

The majority of house fires begin in the kitchen. Stoves, ovens, and any other appliance that uses heat or flame to function has the potential to start a fire. You should always be close to the kitchen when you are cooking. Flammable materials can easily get bumped into the flames or a grease fire can erupt at any moment. If you are in another room while your pot is on the stove, your entire kitchen could be in flames in the few minutes that you stepped away. 

We extend this same word of caution to your outdoor grills or bonfires. If you consider yourself the grill master, stay outside and in the line of sight of your grill. Maintain the heat and flames, and ensure that the coals are completely out and cool or your propane tanks are shut and your grill is off. 

Keep It Clean

Did you know that the clutter in your home can actually be a danger to you in the event of a house fire? Unnecessary piles of things or possessions stacked near windows or doors can become more fuel to a fire, making it grow faster in a shorter amount of time. 

The clutter is also a tripping hazard. All paths throughout your home should be easy to access and each exit should be clear and ready to use if necessary. 

Once your home is picked up and organized, it’s time to clean out your air filters and lint traps. A blocked lint trap in your dryer is a huge fire hazard as well as a dirty furnace filter. Even though some of these tasks seem insignificant, they very well might just help you avoid a house fire.

Experiencing a house fire can be overwhelming. Call SERVPRO of Sumter for a full restoration.

How you put out the fire could increase your damage.

7/22/2022 (Permalink)

Fires often trigger damage in a way homeowners do not expect: significant water damage. Whether during the efforts to put the fire out or leaks caused by the heat, fire can directly or indirectly cause your home to take on large amounts of water unexpectedly.  

Fast response after the fire out is very important. Your furniture and belongs need immediate attention if they have been saturated with water and debris from the extinguishing of the fire.

Growth, swelling of wood, and rust are some of the things that can happen to your belongings after they have been through a fire. 

Remember the first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing. SERVPRO Professionals can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term affects. 

Ozone can help make hard to reach smell a thing of the past.

7/22/2022 (Permalink)

Ozone is a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3). Ozone treatments are one of the best tools for removing odor caused by smoke damage. Ozone works to remove odors by chemically changing the structure of the molecules in the smoke that are creating the smell. The extra oxygen atom attaches itself to the other molecules to create a new molecule that is non-offensive—and non-smelly—in a process called oxidation. As a gas, ozone can clean anywhere air is allowed to flow. That’s one of the features that makes it so effective in removing odors that other cleaning techniques just can’t touch.

Fire tips until help arrives.

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

Here are some helpful tips prior to the arrival of SERVPRO® of Sumter:

Emergency Fire and Smoke Damage Tips

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage. 
  • Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.  
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.  
  • Wipe soot from chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets and appliances then protect with a light coating of lubricant.
  • Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire or water without consulting a repair service.

Fire and Smoke Damage Services

  • Emergency Response: Reduce Loss Severity/Pretesting for Restorability.
  • Contents Cleaning Specialists: On-Site or Move Out.
  • Structural Restoration Services.
  • Large Loss Completion with Trained Crew Leaders.

3 Main types of Fire losses

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

There are 3 main types of smoke and residues that can be left behind by fire damage in your home:

  1. Synthetic: These synthetic residues appear when oil-based materials are burned such as plastics and fabrics. This could include everything from window coverings, furniture, carpets, and electronics. When synthetic materials burn, they will produce a thick black smoke, leaving behind a smeary residue that can create quite the mess if not cleaned up properly. In these situations, avoid touching any of the residue to prevent smearing as vacuuming is the best approach to cleaning the residues left behind, followed by sponge cleaning.
  2. Protein: Fires caused by the burning of proteins such as meats and beans for example will leave behind a yellowish-brown residue. The texture of which is greasy feeling and can stick to any surface, making it a pain to clean up.
  3. Natural: These types of fires are caused by the burning of natural products such as wood and paper. They produce dry powdery residue that is grayish-black in color. These residues are easier to clean up than the synthetic or protein residues. Removing the residues can be done by vacuuming with a bristled brush, followed by sponge cleaning.

Most household fires experience a combination of all the above types.

SERVPRO of Sumter's  highly trained technicians are ready to assist you with all your fire restoration needs.

First Responders We Salute You!

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sumter would like to thank all the Firefighters, police officers, as well as EMS in Sumter County and the surrounding areas for all you do to keep our citizens safe and assist them in their most desperate time if need.

 In most communities it is the local fire department that is the first to respond to emergencies, whether they are small, day-to-day types or large disasters. As the first official government agency contacted, they have the responsibility to manage the incident. Consequently, any volunteer group that wants to provide assistance during these emergencies must work with the local fire/rescue organization if they are to be effective.

Ask your local Fire Department to speak to your schools on safety and fire tips.

Don't let a fire ruin your HO HO Holiday

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

Every year Christmas trees start fires. Prevent most of these fires by following simple rules:

  • Choose a recently cut, healthy tree. A fresh tree holds moisture better. Although some people advocate for placing various substances in the water to preserve freshness, it is recommended that consumers simply keep the tree well-watered with pure tap water.
  • Avoid putting compounds such as sugar, aspirin, and other chemicals into the water. These have not been proven to work and often can inhibit the tree’s intake of water and actually cause it to be more of a hazard.
  • Use lights rated for indoor use that don't create heat (such as LED lights). And don't overload your electrical outlet. Don't use electric lights on a metal tree. Unplug tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed. Keep the tree at least 3 ft. from candles and fireplaces.

Ozone can get touch smells out.

7/19/2021 (Permalink)

Ozone is a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3). Ozone treatments are one of the best tools for removing odor caused by smoke damage. Ozone works to remove odors by chemically changing the structure of the molecules in the smoke that are creating the smell. The extra oxygen atom attaches itself to the other molecules to create a new molecule that is non-offensive—and non-smelly—in a process called oxidation. As a gas, ozone can clean anywhere air is allowed to flow. That’s one of the features that makes it so effective in removing odors that other cleaning techniques just can’t touch.

Once the flames are gone.

7/19/2021 (Permalink)

Fires often trigger damage in a way homeowners do not expect: significant water damage. Whether during the efforts to put the fire out or leaks caused by the heat, fire can directly or indirectly cause your home to take on large amounts of water unexpectedly.  

Fast response after the fire out is very important. Your furniture and belongs need immediate attention if they have been saturated with water and debris from the extinguishing of the fire.

Growth, swelling of wood, and rust are some of the things that can happen to your belongings after they have been through a fire. 

Remember the first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing. SERVPRO Professionals can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term affects. 

Fire tips to keep your family safe.

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

Here are some helpful tips prior to the arrival of SERVPRO® of Sumter:

Emergency Fire and Smoke Damage Tips

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage. 
  • Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.  
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.  
  • Wipe soot from chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets and appliances then protect with a light coating of lubricant.
  • Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire or water without consulting a repair service.

Fire and Smoke Damage Services

  • Emergency Response: Reduce Loss Severity/Pretesting for Restorability.
  • Contents Cleaning Specialists: On-Site or Move Out.
  • Structural Restoration Services.
  • Large Loss Completion with Trained Crew Leaders.

3 common house fire types.

3/29/2021 (Permalink)

There are 3 main types of smoke and residues that can be left behind by fire damage in your home:

  1. Synthetic: These synthetic residues appear when oil-based materials are burned such as plastics and fabrics. This could include everything from window coverings, furniture, carpets, and electronics. When synthetic materials burn, they will produce a thick black smoke, leaving behind a smeary residue that can create quite the mess if not cleaned up properly. In these situations, avoid touching any of the residue to prevent smearing as vacuuming is the best approach to cleaning the residues left behind, followed by sponge cleaning.
  2. Protein: Fires caused by the burning of proteins such as meats and beans for example will leave behind a yellowish-brown residue. The texture of which is greasy feeling and can stick to any surface, making it a pain to clean up.
  3. Natural: These types of fires are caused by the burning of natural products such as wood and paper. They produce dry powdery residue that is grayish-black in color. These residues are easier to clean up than the synthetic or protein residues. Removing the residues can be done by vacuuming with a bristled brush, followed by sponge cleaning.

Most household fires experience a combination of all the above types.

SERVPRO of Sumter's  highly trained technicians are ready to assist you with all your fire restoration needs.

Sumter County First Responders! Thank you

3/3/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sumter would like to thank all the Firefighters, police officers, as well as EMS in Sumter County and the surrounding areas for all you do to keep our citizens safe and assist them in their most desperate time if need.

 In most communities it is the local fire department that is the first to respond to emergencies, whether they are small, day-to-day types or large disasters. As the first official government agency contacted, they have the responsibility to manage the incident. Consequently, any volunteer group that wants to provide assistance during these emergencies must work with the local fire/rescue organization if they are to be effective.

Ask your local Fire Department to speak to your schools on safety and fire tips.

Tips to prevent a Christmas fire.

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

Every year Christmas trees start fires. Prevent most of these fires by following simple rules:

  • Choose a recently cut, healthy tree. A fresh tree holds moisture better. Although some people advocate for placing various substances in the water to preserve freshness, it is recommended that consumers simply keep the tree well-watered with pure tap water.
  • Avoid putting compounds such as sugar, aspirin, and other chemicals into the water. These have not been proven to work and often can inhibit the tree’s intake of water and actually cause it to be more of a hazard.
  • Use lights rated for indoor use that don't create heat (such as LED lights). And don't overload your electrical outlet. Don't use electric lights on a metal tree. Unplug tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed. Keep the tree at least 3 ft. from candles and fireplaces.

More than just a fire.

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

Burned wall from a fire. Burned wall from a fire.

Fires often trigger damage in a way homeowners do not expect: significant water damage. Whether during the efforts to put the fire out or leaks caused by the heat, fire can directly or indirectly cause your home to take on large amounts of water unexpectedly.  

Fast response after the fire out is very important. Your furniture and belongs need immediate attention if they have been saturated with water and debris from the extinguishing of the fire.

Growth, swelling of wood, and rust are some of the things that can happen to your belongings after they have been through a fire. 

Remember the first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing. SERVPRO Professionals can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term affects. 

Ozone and what it can do for you.

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

Ozone machine with contents. Ozone machine with contents.

Ozone is a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3). Ozone treatments are one of the best tools for removing odor caused by smoke damage. Ozone works to remove odors by chemically changing the structure of the molecules in the smoke that are creating the smell. The extra oxygen atom attaches itself to the other molecules to create a new molecule that is non-offensive—and non-smelly—in a process called oxidation. As a gas, ozone can clean anywhere air is allowed to flow. That’s one of the features that makes it so effective in removing odors that other cleaning techniques just can’t touch.

Tips that will help you reduce additional damage in the wake of a fire.

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Burned kitchen with fallen insulation Burned kitchen with fallen insulation.

Here are some helpful tips prior to the arrival of SERVPRO® of Sumter:

Emergency Fire and Smoke Damage Tips

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage. 
  • Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.  
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.  
  • Wipe soot from chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets and appliances then protect with a light coating of lubricant.
  • Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire or water without consulting a repair service.

Fire and Smoke Damage Services

  • Emergency Response: Reduce Loss Severity/Pretesting for Restorability.
  • Contents Cleaning Specialists: On-Site or Move Out.
  • Structural Restoration Services.
  • Large Loss Completion with Trained Crew Leaders.

Types of fires your home may experience.

3/16/2020 (Permalink)

There are 3 main types of smoke and residues that can be left behind by fire damage in your home:

  1. Synthetic: These synthetic residues appear when oil-based materials are burned such as plastics and fabrics. This could include everything from window coverings, furniture, carpets, and electronics. When synthetic materials burn, they will produce a thick black smoke, leaving behind a smeary residue that can create quite the mess if not cleaned up properly. In these situations, avoid touching any of the residue to prevent smearing as vacuuming is the best approach to cleaning the residues left behind, followed by sponge cleaning.
  2. Protein: Fires caused by the burning of proteins such as meats and beans for example will leave behind a yellowish-brown residue. The texture of which is greasy feeling and can stick to any surface, making it a pain to clean up.
  3. Natural: These types of fires are caused by the burning of natural products such as wood and paper. They produce dry powdery residue that is grayish-black in color. These residues are easier to clean up than the synthetic or protein residues. Removing the residues can be done by vacuuming with a bristled brush, followed by sponge cleaning.

Most household fires experience a combination of all the above types.

SERVPRO of Sumter's  highly trained technicians are ready to assist you with all your fire restoration needs.

Thank you to our First Responders

3/9/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sumter would like to thank all the Firefighters, police officers, as well as EMS in Sumter County and the surrounding areas for all you do to keep our citizens safe and assist them in their most desperate time if need.

 In most communities it is the local fire department that is the first to respond to emergencies, whether they are small, day-to-day types or large disasters. As the first official government agency contacted, they have the responsibility to manage the incident. Consequently, any volunteer group that wants to provide assistance during these emergencies must work with the local fire/rescue organization if they are to be effective.

Ask your local Fire Department to speak to your schools on safety and fire tips.

Christmas Tree Fire Prevention

12/3/2019 (Permalink)

Every year Christmas trees start fires. Prevent most of these fires by following simple rules: Choose a recently cut, healthy tree. A fresh tree holds moisture better. Although some people advocate for placing various substances in the water to preserve freshness, it is recommended that consumers simply keep the tree well-watered with pure tap water. Avoid putting compounds such as sugar, aspirin, and other chemicals into the water. These have not been proven to work and often can inhibit the tree’s intake of water and actually cause it to be more of a hazard.Use lights rated for indoor use that don't create heat (such as LED lights). And don't overload your electrical outlet. Don't use electric lights on a metal tree. Unplug tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed. Keep the tree at least 3 ft. from candles and fireplaces.

Tips to keep you safe while grilling

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Independence Day is right around the corner and families will be pulling out the grills for the get togethers they have planned to celebrate.

Here are a few grill safety tips to keep uninvited first responders off the guest list:

  1. Ensure your grill is a minimum of 10 feet from buildings and flammable materials.
  2. Ensure the grill is monitored at all times
  3. Ensure that you never close the lid on a gas grill until after the flame is lit to prevent gas from exploding with lit.
  4. Ensure that your grill is cleaned prior to cooking, grease greatly increases the chance of flare ups.
  5. Ensure that you never attempt to grill indoors as grill produce carbon monoxide that is deadly.

Please follow these tips and the ones  found in your grill owners manual to help have a happy and safe grilling experience.

What Smell? The Meaning of Ozone Treatment

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Ozone chamber in our warehouse


  1. a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3). Ozone treatments are one of the best tools for removing odor caused by smoke damage. Ozone works to remove odors by chemically changing the structure of the molecules in the smoke that are creating the smell. The extra oxygen atom attaches itself to the other molecules to create a new molecule that is non-offensive—and non-smelly—in a process called oxidation. As a gas, ozone can clean anywhere air is allowed to flow. That’s one of the features that makes it so effective in removing odors that other cleaning techniques just can’t touch.

Be Alarmed!

5/10/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that most fire fatalities are due to no smoke detectors being placed in the home or not being placed in correct area?  

Not having a smoke detection devices in your home can be catastrophic. Smoke inhalation can more fatal than the flames. It can render your unconscious, unresponsive or even worse, end your life. 

Most fire departments in the area offer free smoke detectors and instructions on how to instal them. If you already have smoke detectors in place, consider making a donation of a new smoke detector to your local fire department to help others in need. 

Set a time on your calendar every month to test the batteries in your smoke detector, this can also help fatalities. We find the best time to remember to test your smoke detector is when you change your HVAC return filters. 

Brush Fires Can Lead To House Fires.

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

Studies show that local fire departments across the country respond to more than 300,000 grass and brush fires, most if them caused by carelessness, with a number of them igniting home on fire as they spread.

Here are a few tips to help prevent you becoming a victim of a grass or brush fire:

  • Do not throw lit cigarettes or matches on the ground.
  • Create a fire break around any burn piles.
  • Keep a water hose with you at all times while burning burn piles to extinguish any embers that may land on dried areas outside of the burn area.

While following the above tips can help prevent you falling victim to a grass or brush fire, accidents do happen. 

At SERVPRO of Sumter when disaster strikes. we can make it "Like it never even happened."

A Fire Safety Plan is a Great Idea

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

A recent fire in Rembert Sc. caused by lightning.

In just a matter of minutes a home can be destroyed by fire. No matter what the cause of the fire is, be sure to have a plan for safe evacuation. 

If a fire is caused by lightning that hits the roof of a home, it can ignite insulation and travel the length of your attic in a matter of minutes. A sprinkler system, smoke detectors, and even carbon monoxide detectors can be the difference in safely exiting an fire. 

Planning a fire safety meeting with your family every 3 to 6 months is a great idea. Make sure that all the exits are free of blocking hazards, and your family knows  that when they hear the smoke alarm go off to follow the fire safety plan. 

It is alway a good idea to sleep with bedroom doors shut. This will help to eliminate some of the hazards that come with fire damage. 

And as always, remember SERVPRO of Sumter is here to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Dangers of Christmas Tree Fires

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Every year Christmas trees start fires. Prevent most of these fires by following simple rules: Choose a recently cut, healthy tree. A fresh tree holds moisture better. Although some people advocate for placing various substances in the water to preserve freshness, it is recommended that consumers simply keep the tree well-watered with pure tap water. Avoid putting compounds such as sugar, aspirin, and other chemicals into the water. These have not been proven to work and often can inhibit the tree’s intake of water and actually cause it to be more of a hazard.Use lights rated for indoor use that don't create heat (such as LED lights). And don't overload your electrical outlet. Don't use electric lights on a metal tree. Unplug tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed. Keep the tree at least 3 ft. from candles and fireplaces.

What is Ozone Treatment for Fire Damage

6/29/2018 (Permalink)

Ozone Chamber


  1. a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3). Ozone treatments are one of the best tools for removing odor caused by smoke damage. Ozone works to remove odors by chemically changing the structure of the molecules in the smoke that are creating the smell. The extra oxygen atom attaches itself to the other molecules to create a new molecule that is non-offensive—and non-smelly—in a process called oxidation. As a gas, ozone can clean anywhere air is allowed to flow. That’s one of the features that makes it so effective in removing odors that other cleaning techniques just can’t touch.

Fire Damage leads to Water Damage

6/29/2018 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in Sumter, SC.

Fires often trigger damage in a way homeowners do not expect: significant water damage. Whether during the efforts to put the fire out or leaks caused by the heat, firecan directly or indirectly cause your home to take on large amounts of water unexpectedly.  

Fast response after the fire out is very important. Your furniture and belongs need immediate attention if they have been saturated with water and debris from the extinguishing of the fire.

Growth, swelling of wood, and rust are some of the things that can happen to your belongings after they have been through a fire. 

Remember the first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing. SERVPRO Professionals can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term affects. 

Fire Safety Tips

5/30/2018 (Permalink)

Lee County Fire and Rescue Bishopville, SC

Top 10 fire safety tips

  1. Fit a smoke alarm and check it regularly.
  2. Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your house knows how to escape in the event of fire.
  3. Take care when cooking with hot oil and think about using thermostatically controlled deep fat fryers.
  4. Never leave lit candles unattended.
  5. Ensure cigarettes are stubbed out and disposed of carefully.
  6. Never smoke in bed.
  7. Keep matches and lighters away from children.
  8. Keep clothing away from heating appliances.
  9. Take care in the kitchen! Accidents whilst cooking account for a large number of fires in the home.
  10. Take special care when you are tired or when you've been drinking. 

If you do experience a fire or smoke damage, SERVPRO of Sumter will do everything possible to elevate some of the stress and get you back in your home as soon as possible.

Support Your Local Fire and Rescue Departments

5/17/2018 (Permalink)

Lee County Fire Department

SERVPRO of Sumter would like to thank all the Firefighters, police officers, and EMS in Bishopville for letting us participate in the Lee County Rescue Day Parade. We enjoyed our time with all of you and the great townspeople of Lee County.  

 In most communities it is the local fire department that is the first to respond to emergencies, whether they are small, day-to-day types or large disasters. As the first official government agency contacted, they have the responsibility to manage the incident. Consequently, any volunteer group that wants to provide assistance during these emergencies must work with the local fire/rescue organization if they are to be effective.

Ask your local Fire Department to speak to your schools on safety and fire tips. 

We care for your belongings like they are our own

3/16/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Professionals hand cleaning a customers contents after smoke and soot damage.

SERVPRO of Sumter knows how trying and stressful a fire can be. Our Professionals take great care to clean and pack your belongings so you do not have to worry about it.

Our warehouse is well equipment to store all of your belongings in a climate controlled area with extra steps taken to keep them clean once we have completed our process. 

All items that can be cleaned to pre-fire conditioned are done so by hand with the correct SERVPRO brand cleaning agents and then repacked in clean boxes and stored until you are ready for them to be returned after repairs. 

This includes all upholstered furniture and mattresses that once cleaned, will go through our ozone process to remove any lingering smoke odor.

Let SERVPRO help to make it "Like it never even happened." and alleviate some of the worry for you. 

Fire damage helpful tips before we arrive

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Here are some helpful tips prior to the arrival of SERVPRO® of Sumter:

Emergency Fire and Smoke Damage Tips

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage. 
  • Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.  
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.  
  • Wipe soot from chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets and appliances then protect with a light coating of lubricant.
  • Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire or water without consulting a repair service.

Fire and Smoke Damage Services

  • Emergency Response: Reduce Loss Severity/Pretesting for Restorability.
  • Contents Cleaning Specialists: On-Site or Move Out.
  • Structural Restoration Services.
  • Large Loss Completion with Trained Crew Leaders.

One service we provide

12/1/2017 (Permalink)

Thermal Fogging

No, this is not a fire occurring at this moment.  This is a process called Thermal Fogging.  It is just one of our services that we offer in the event of a fire damage to help treat and deodorize odors caused by smoke damage because it acts like a smoke itself.

It is able to travel like smoke and penetrate hard porous surfaces.

Our equipment heats a water based masking agent to create fog that penetrates everywhere smoke may have traveled. A thermal fogger unit can reproduce the energy and pressure of smoke, which penetrates every possible nook and cranny that could still hold odor after sooted material have been removed.

This could help specific clients that have breathing issues such as asthma or COPD.